2ª Reunió del projecte MARELAW a Split
On July 10-11, 2023, the Second Focus group, entitled "Analysis and improvement of learning outcomes for maritime law course according to the STCW Convention", was held in Split at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split. MareLaw project is Erasmus+ project KA2 (Cooperation partnership in higher education) Upgrading and harmonization of Maritime law STCW based curriculum for Maritime students. During these two days, members from University of Split, Technical University of Catalunya and Riga Technical University have summarized conclusions from the first Focus Group, held in Riga, and have discussed about Learning outcomes for the maritime law courses taught according to the STCW Convention. Similarities and differences of learning outcomes at partner universities have been identified. Also, group has defined desired learning outcomes in accordance with STCW Convention that will be useful for all universities. The aim of these activities is improvement of learning outcomes at maritime law subjects. Results from the Second Focus Group, just like the results from the First Focus Group, will serve as a starting point for the development of teaching materials (key activity in WP4)
(An announcement has been uploaded in the DCEN – UPC web page, the text explains in Catalan the following, outcomes from the meeting: Els dies 10 i 11 de Juliol, es va relaitzar la segona reunió presencial, del projecte MARELAW; aprofitant la propera data de lliurament de continguts del projecte en el que la FNB va especificar les competències i objectius que han d'obtenir els seus alumnes.
Es van comparar amb las de la Universitat de Riga i las d'Split.
Finalment es van establir un conjunt d'objectius (outcomes ) de les assignatures de dret marítim per a les tres universitats i es va fer un esborrany dels diferents temes per a ser posteriorment repartits entre els tres participants, per al seu posterior desenvolupament.)