
Reunió projecte MareLAW


Els dies 13 i 14 de juny de 2023, s'ha realitzat la reunió de fi de semestre del projecte MareLAW. Recordem que aquest projecte pretén estandarditzar i digitalitzar; els continguts de les assignatures de Dret Marítim a les Facultats de Nàutica d'Split (Croàcia), Riga (Letònia) i Barcelona.

Web announcement – First Focus gropu 

On June 13-14, 2023, the first focus group entitled "Analysis of Teaching Approaches and Teaching Materials" was held in Riga at Riga Technical University, Latvian Maritime Academy, as one of the activities of the WP2 MareLaw project. During these two days, members of the project team from the University of Split, Technical University of Catalunya and Riga Technical University discussed the current state of approaches and teaching materials for the maritime law courses taught according to the STCW Convention. In addition, differences and similarities were identified, as well as ways to improve the courses approaches and teaching materials. The results will be used as a direct input for the organisation of the second focus group, whose goal will be to analyse and improve the learning outcomes of the courses. In addition, the results will serve as a starting point for the development of teaching materials (key activity in WP4).