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The Department of Nautical Science and Engineering within the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ( UPC ) delivers the Degree and second cycle Programs at the Faculty of Nautical Studies of Barcelona (FNB). A doctorate Programme covering several maritime disciplines is also available. This department carries out teaching, research and external advice to the Industry and Government bodies. Teaching includes subjects such as Naval Engineering, Ship Stability, Marine thermal plants, Ship Transport, Sea Fishing, Maritime Business Administration, Marine Engineering, Maritime law and Medicine at Sea.

The Department of Nautical Science and Engineering within the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ( UPC ) address is: Departament de Ciència i Enginyeria Nàutiques - UPC Edifici Facultat de Nàutica Pla de Palau, 18 08003 BARCELONA How to get there: By undergroung (Metro): Yellow Line 4 By bus: lines 14, 17, 36, 39, 45, 51, 57, 59, 64, 157 By train: Estació de França